This is the first feeder I've ever owned.

Anyone have any advice on what to do next before I send it off to then to replace? Moultrie said this can happen when rain falls straight down and not at an angle. Not what I would say excessive but was wet inside the box and on face of the timer. Am I missing something or do I have a defective timer? I will add that when I originally went to check the battery life the lady time there was moisture inside the housing. It cleared the screen but now nothing comes on the display at all.

So last night I disassembled and pressed the reset button. Called Moultrie yesterday and they told me about a reset switch on back of the panel. I have trouble shot it every way I could think of and nothing. Well installed solar panel and put freshly charged battery in it and when I did the display was all jacked up snd nothing would happen when pushing the buttons. I had purchased a solar charger for it before I went to swap the battery out and refill it. Based on my settings the original rechargeable battery I put in it lasted til about 2 weeks ago. Been using it since September and very pleased with it as far as performance and ease of use. Purchased a new Moultrie easy loc feeder over the summer. Tuscaloosa Lease - Looking for 2-3 Membersġ99 registered members ( cartervj, Wapiti55, Catbird, Sixpointholler, techtony, CKyleC, RLP76, BeakBuster1500, CNC, Auburn_03, timberman56, mcninja, J_K, Ryano, timberwolfe, Turkey_neck, Cutem, AU7MM08, gwstang, Johnal3, swampoak, Hammertime7v2, therealhojo, Jeepin01, coldtrail, hootn, MAG, Lonster, farmerjay, RCHRR, JBrown1975, mdf, Bigwhitey, Rmart30, Mulcher, Eutaw, cullbuck, Gobble4me757, jwalker77, jawbone, CeeHawk37, BCLC, rwh1, treemydog, thayerp81, Chancetribe, desertdog, kyles, Gary Harris, XVIII, Jwbfx4, AUjerbear, GomerPyle, RemingtonRules, RockFarmer, kRawls47, CatfishJunkie, TDunson, CCC, Stoney, Keysbowman, Mbrock, gatorbait154, JAT, cuztoshaw, 7x57_Mauser, fillmore, sw1002, Dublgrumpy, burbank, M48scout, mule34, bamamed1, Jdkprp70, bows_and_does, DuckDown11, toyota05, deadeye48, klay, Bustinbeards, top cat, geeb1, Big AL 76, fur_n_feathers, 3baile圓, m97, Daveleeal, knock him down, Butchman205, bodock, Razorsharp123, jhardy, twaldrop4, outdoorguy88, sawdust, JustHunt, Andalusia, Luxfisher, 7PTSPREAD, trlrdrdave, Blessed 1, AlabamaPhi, akbejeepin, having fun now, headshot, TDog93, 3006bullet, jake44, Tailwalk7, Mhkodiak, laylandad, Colt1917, 000buck, Birdman83, 20XD, C3SEAST, BPI, Turkey, donia, eclipse829, Cuz-Pat, scrape, Frankie, UA Hunter, Thread Killer, Triple J, Swamp Monkey, Big60, Calvin, jake5050, Bandit635, Buckhammer, ridgestalker, Jehu, AKB, Khitzeman, Atoler, Reaper, inatree, ALMODUX, BigEd, G/H, ts1979flh, NoHuntin, booner, blade, Showout, HappyRuth, GHTiger10, Hester, Justice, Rainbowstew, CatHeadBiscuit, Chaser357, Ruger8point, JLMiller, baitstop, Whild_Bill, mossyback, Turkeyneck78, Mjh97, Strictlybow, 30 T/C, Catfish12, Ron A., Bowfish, Bushmaster, JHH, AuGrayghost, Shaneomac2, !shiloh!, Mdees, MarksOutdoors, bug54, Broadhead26, dwaugh, just_an_illusion, AJones, jw706, gman, 19 invisible),