The doubling cube is a fun option for players who are seasoned backgammon aficionados. The winner is awarded one point (most common) if the opponent has started to bear off their checkers and/or has all of their checkers out of the winner's home territory. If the losing player has not borne off any of their checkers and has checkers in the opponent's home board (lower right quadrant) or are still knocked off, the winner scores three points, which is known as losing a backgammon. If the losing player has not borne off any of their checkers by the time the winner has won, the winner will achieve 2 points, and is known as losing a gammon.

One to three points can be awarded during the backgammon game dependant on where the loser's checkers are on the board when the winner wins. This means you can place your checkers into the slot on the right, removing them from the board. Once you move all your checkers into the upper right quadrant (in the single player backgammon game), you may start bearing off. Beware though! Leaving your checkers open with only one on a point leaves them open to be knocked off by your opponent as well! They may not move any other checkers until that knocked off checker is returned. The opponent must now roll and move into an empty spot in your home territory to get that checker back into gameplay. If you land on a Point with one opponent checker, you knock the opponent's checker off the board and send it back to the beginning. You may not move your checkers onto a Point with two or more opponent checkers. You may move your checkers onto any Point so long as it is occupied by your checkers, is empty, or has 1 opponent checker. If you roll doubles, you get to move each die twice, concluding in four moves for that turn. Highlights show you where the checkers can possibly move. The numbers on the dice refer to how many spaces you may move with one or more checkers. The first player to remove all their checkers is the winner.Īlternate turns with your opponent moving checkers toward your home in the upper right hand quadrant of the backgammon board. The object of backgammon is to move all your checkers around the board in a clockwise motion and ultimately bear off the checkers from the board. It is played with two players (lucky you, we have a computer player to enjoy!). Options only on 247 Backgammon include doubling cube, highlights, match points, and chip color! This backgammon site even remembers your preferences every time you come back so you'll be set to play immediately! The gameplay on 247 Backgammon is seamless and you'll quickly become addicted to the beautiful artwork and perfect puzzle game.īackgammon is a popular ancient board game. Play with an artificially intellegent opponent or play with a friend with Pass & Play! 247 Backgammon has games in five difficulites, ranging from easy to expert! You'll be sure to find a difficulty you feel comfortable playing, whether you are a beginner or seasoned backgammon player. And of course there's the aesthetic value - some of the best chess sets look so striking, you might want to keep them out on a table or hung on a wall even when you're not playing.247 Backgammon offers the best backgammon game online. If you're new to the game, some sets will walk you through the basics of game play. Or else you might be looking for a set that cleans up easily, with storage for all the pieces.

If you plan on using it with your kids, you'll want to find durable pieces that can withstand rough treatment. For families, though, other factors may come into play. When you're looking to buy a chess board, serious players look at the quality and durability of the game board and the weight of the pieces. These are the best chess sets out there, for kids, beginners, experts and collectors. And while each set is basically the same - 64 squares, with 32 pieces - there is still a tremendous variety that takes places within those parameters. Whether you've grown interested in chess because of The Queen's Gambit or you're working on attaining a rank of master, it might be time to buy a new chess board.