Navy ship lingo meaning
Navy ship lingo meaning

This phrase is used when the crew is running low on a resource. BirdĪ common term used to describe a helicopter. This refers to people who abandon their duty or post without authorization or alerting anyone. This acronym stands for Absent Without Official Leave. About faceĪn action happening during a drill directing soldiers to face the opposite direction.

navy ship lingo meaning

Related: 25 Career Options for Veterans General military terms 1. It's often assigned to soldiers as a designated area for attack, to take cover or any other type of military action.

navy ship lingo meaning

This is a smaller space that sits within a larger area. This often describes an enemy running away from a recent attack. This happens when a person is wounded and needs to be rescued by a vehicle or aircraft. This term is also referred to as 'medivac'. Often used to describe when a certain place or area is violent.

navy ship lingo meaning

They can explode by pressing a button or by activating its pressure sensors. Some are the size of a soda can while others are as large as an automobile. They are often less expensive bombs that can resemble various sizes or shapes. These are weapons that will randomly explode. It's used by soldiers often when an enemy has taken action and fired at them. They're often used to hide from various attacks like explosives, guns or any other types of weaponry or attack. Soldiers will often build them under sturdy areas such as concrete or strong rock. Hardened siteĪ defensive structure often used to hide underneath. CoverĪn item or surface that can protect soldiers from enemy attacks and shots fired. Many soldiers are often hard at work patrolling the COP to guard it and to keep intruders away. It's usually in an area considered hostile or dangerous. This stands for a combat outpost and is a smaller base with approximately 50 to 150 soldiers living in it. It will often make a range of announcements, such as alerting soldiers of incoming attacks, the schedule of upcoming explosions and when and where to take cover as an attack strikes. This is an announcement heard over the loudspeaker. The base of fire will act as a supporting or covering fire while soldiers are firing their own weapons. This occurs when many units are firing at an opposing unit attacking them. Related: Job Search Guide for Military Veterans Military attack terms 1. When Marines take a trip off base for a weekend or two. The blue uniform members of the Marines and Air Force will often wear while on duty. Related: What is a Military Tour of Duty? Marine terms 1. Usually, decorations are added to your sleeve once you receive higher ranks. Slick sleeveĪ sailor who is still working toward a higher rank. ShellbackĪ sailor aboard a Navy ship who has successfully crossed the equator. The officer designated to operate the ship. AnymouseĪ box sailors will use to anonymously drop in any comments or complaints they may have while aboard the ship. Related: Q&A: How Long Is a Deployment in the Army? Navy terms 1. Snake eaterĪ soldier who is a United States Army Special Forces member. JoeĪ common term for an Army soldier, which most likely derived from the popular action figure, G.I.

navy ship lingo meaning

It's an Armed Forces reserve that consists of reserve personnel who were previously active-duty soldiers.

It can be a Morse code signal given to intelligence radio operators or it can describe a soldier marching out of time with the cadence of the other soldiers. This common Army term has two different meanings. Here are a few common military terms members may use regularly: Army terms 1. Related: Veteran Career Advice: Making a Transition to Civilian Life Common military terms Military language can communicate an attack, a specific meeting location or drill commands. Others can be more basic and related to all military branches. Some of this terminology may be known only to members within their respective branches. Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard use military terms recognizable throughout all sections of the military. Why it's important to know military terms military terms and why they may be important to know if you pursue a position or career in the military. Awareness of basic military terms-for the branches and in general-can help you better understand the rules and terminology you'll receive if you onboard with a U.S. This helps them quickly transfer important messages back and forth. Those serving in the military use their own terminology to communicate with one another.

Navy ship lingo meaning